Do I need to put holes in my boards every time I do a slab?

No. When you work for a particluar builder, they typically have standard slab sizes and layouts. For these jobs you do not need to put any new holes in your boards. If you work for multiple builders then you may need to drill a couple of more holes in the board, depending on the slab layout.

This is what Danny from DV Concrete Construction, a concreter in Warragul, Victoria who has been using Formbolt for 3 years, had to say:

We use the same boards for every job. I’d say for 95% of my work, we don’t have to drill any new holes. For the odd job that has an unusual layout, then we might have to drill a couple of new holes in the boards. It’s no big deal.


Will the integrity of the slab be compromised by putting holes in the form board?

The exact opposite is true.

The integrity of the slab is enhanced with Formbolt because:

  1. The boards stay straighter with holes because the tension on the board is in the middle. With timber bracing and star pickets you get cupping on the board because the pressure is at the top of the board.
  2. Formbolt holds the pods and mesh in place. This gives you confidence the slab is constructed as designed.
  3. It prevents pods from getting crushed by foot traffic and concrete.
  4. Formbolt eliminates slab heave from pickets loosening in moist, soggy ground.
  5. You get straighter walls. Loosen or tighten the nut to precisely adjust the form board on the string line during the concrete pour.

How do I install the Formbolt?

If this is your first job with Formbolt then assemble your boards and drill 12mm holes every 1M along the centre of the boards. Place your pods and steel mesh. Next, hook the Formbolts onto the steel mesh wires and feed them through the holes in the form board. Then go around and tighten the nuts on the outer side of the boards so that the edge of the boards are on the string line. For detailed instructions on how to install Formbolt, please download our Installation Guide.

Will the Formbolt safely hold the boards when pouring a large concrete slab?

Yes. The Formbolt has successfully been used on large reinforced concrete slabs, including a 450m2 slab with 130 cubic meters of concrete.

What diameter holes are required in the form boards and how far apart?

For your first Formbolt job, assemble your boards then drill 12mm holes in the centre of the board every metre. You will reuse these boards for all future slabs using Formbolt.

How do you ensure the form boards don’t get concrete setting inside the pre-drilled holes?

Ideally, you should pressure wash your boards after every use to ensure a smooth surface for the next foundation. If there are any concrete obstructions when installing the Formbolt on the next job, simply drill it out with a 12mm drill bit.

Can Formbolt be used for different types of concrete slabs, including waffle pod, raft slab, and suspended floor slabs?

Yes. Formbolt is suitable for raft slabs, waffle pod slabs, and suspended floor slabs.

What product testing and quality certification does Formbolt have?

A tensile strength test by NATA accredited ExcelPlas Polymer Testing showed Formbolt will safely hold up to 1.737 kN of force.

What is the tensile strength of Formbolt?

The average tensile strength of Formbolt is 1.737 kN.

Can I pick-up my order?

Yes. Select the Pick-Up delivery option and we’ll prepare your order for pick-up at our factory – 27 Strong Avenue, Thomastown, VIC 3074.